Algorithm for detecting attacks on Web applications based on machine learning methods and attributes queries


  • Nguyen Manh Thang Academy of Cryptography Techniques
  • Tran Thi Luong



web attack, network security, signature method, anomaly detection method, machine learning method, Web application firewall, ModSecurity

Tóm tắt

Abstract— Almost developed applications tend to become as accessible as possible to the user on the Internet. Different applications often store their data in cyberspace for more effective work and entertainment, such as Google Docs, emails, cloud storage, maps, weather, news,... Attacks on Web resources most often occur at the application level, in the form of HTTP/HTTPS-requests to the site, where traditional firewalls have limited capabilities for analysis and detection attacks. To protect Web resources from attacks at the application level, there are special tools - Web Application Firewall (WAF). This article presents an anomaly detection algorithm, and how it works in the open-source web application firewall ModSecurity, which uses machine learning methods with 8 suggested features to detect attacks on web applications.


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How to Cite

Thang, N. M., & Luong, T. T. (2021). Algorithm for detecting attacks on Web applications based on machine learning methods and attributes queries. Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 2(14), 26-34.




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