Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Solution in the 2-Part Fully Distributed Setting


  • Vu Thi Van
  • Luong The Dung
  • Hoang Van Quan
  • Tran Thi Luong
  • Hoang Duc Tho



Privacy-Preserving Data Mining, ID3, Decision tree, Elliptic curve

Tóm tắt

Abstract Data mining has emerged as an important technology for obtaining knowledge from big data. However, there are growing concerns that the use of this technology is infringing on privacy. This work proposes a decision tree mining solution according to the ID3 algorithm that ensures privacy in the 2-Part Fully Distributed setting.


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How to Cite

Van, V. T. ., Dung, L. T., Quan, H. V., Luong, T. T., & Tho, H. D. (2022). Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Solution in the 2-Part Fully Distributed Setting. Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 1(15), 92-101.




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