For reviewers

Reviewers are selected by the Editorial Board from the Journal's database or other sources. Once selected, the Reviewer will receive an automatic notification message requesting confirmation via email address. Notification messages sent to Reviewers include the title and abstract of the manuscript.

Reviewers need to log in to the Online system and click on the box to agree or disagree to review the manuscript. If the Reviewer clicks the OK box, he or she will receive the full manuscript.

The Journal of  Science and Technology on Information security in the field of Information Security  uses a double-blind peer review method, meaning that the identities of Reviewers and Authors are kept hidden and each other's information is unknown throughout the review process. argument.

As an integral part of the publishing process, peer review is used to confirm the scientific validity of the article and will help improve the quality of published articles.

Peer review process

All new manuscripts submitted to the Journal are screened for completeness and compliance with the Instructions for Authors. Those that pass will then be assigned to the Editor for consideration for submission for double-blind peer review by at least two Reviewers selected by the Editorial Board.

Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, previous publications in the same subject area, and previous achievements as Reviewers. The Journal's Reviewer database is continuously updated to track those suitable to review manuscripts.

Typically, a manuscript will be reviewed within two weeks in the first round. Based on the Review Form provided by the Journal, the reviewers will objectively, academically, freely, and confidentially give their comments/advice about the manuscript. If the Reviewer does not submit the review report on time, an initial reminder will be sent to them. If the Reviewer cannot complete the review, please immediately notify the Editorial Board to transfer the manuscript to another Reviewer. Reviewers and Editors may request multiple revisions of the manuscript, and alternate Reviewers may also be invited to review the manuscript at any time. The revised manuscript will usually be returned to the original Reviewer for confirmation before publication. Reviewers are asked to submit publication recommendations to the Editorial Board for final decision.

The editorial board is responsible for the decision to reject or accept a manuscript for publication. The Editorial Board's decision will be sent to the Author along with any recommendations from the Reviewer. After acceptance, the manuscript is designed using WORD software and an unedited copy will be sent to the Author before publication.