A new approach to improving web application firewall performance based on support vector machine method with analysis of Http request


  • Nguyen Manh Thang
  • Truong Phi Ho
  • Hoang Thanh Nam




SQL injection, XSS, path Traversal, DDoS, CSRF, signature method, anomaly detection method, machine learning method, HTTP request

Tóm tắt

Abstract- Amount of attacks on information system is rapidly increasing not only in numbers but also in quality. Each attack violates properties of confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of information, most attacks pursue financial gain, especially web attacks because almost companies use web applications for their businesses. The issue of protecting personal data from these attacks has become critical for all organizations and companies. Thus, the need to use an intrusion detection system and an intrusion prevention system to protect these data is relevant. Traditional means of protecting access to the corporate network (firewalls) are not able to protect against most threats directed at Web resources. The reason is that attacks on such resources most often occur at the application level, in the form of HTTP / HTTPS-requests to the site, where traditional firewalls have extremely limited opportunities for analysis and detection attacks. For protecting web resources from attacks at the application level we have special tools - web application firewall (WAF). The task of the tool is detecting and blocking attacks on Web resources at the application level. However, the analysis of incidents of information security shows that even with a class of means of detecting attacks on Web resources, their effectiveness does not provide a 100% detection level. With an aim of applying machine learning methods to improve WAF performance. The author discusses as popular types of attacks on Web applications and the survey of machine learning methods in the attack detection task to build an algorithm for automatic detection
attacks based on the support vector machine and analysis of HTTP request.


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How to Cite

Thang, N. M., Ho, T. P. ., & Nam, H. T. (2022). A new approach to improving web application firewall performance based on support vector machine method with analysis of Http request. Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 1(15), 62-73. https://doi.org/10.54654/isj.v1i15.842


