A secure Multi-Frequency Computation Protocol in 2-Part Fully Distributed Setting


  • Vu Thi Van
  • Luong The Dung
  • Luong Ngoc Duong




Secure frequency computation, Privacy-Preserving, Homomorphic encryption, Secure computation, Elliptic curve cryptography

Tóm tắt

Secure frequency computation protocols have been researched and applied to address various privacy-preserving problems in machine learning, data mining, and data analysis. However, these protocols only allow for the calculation of a single frequency value in one execution. In this paper, we propose a protocol for calculating multiple secure frequency values concurrently for the 2PFD data model, which is a relatively new distributed data model that has appeared in many practical problems but has not received much attention. The proposed protocol not only maintains the accuracy of the output results and a high level of security but also exhibits good performance.


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How to Cite

Van, V. T., Dung, L. T., & Duong, L. N. (2024). A secure Multi-Frequency Computation Protocol in 2-Part Fully Distributed Setting. Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 2(22), 40-48. https://doi.org/10.54654/isj.v2i22.1051


