Automatic functions exclusion in patch testing using chopped symbolic execution


  • Ninh Thái Phan
  • Nguyễn Việt Hùng



security patch testing, symbolic execution, chopper

Tóm tắt

Abstract Patch testing is the problem that the modified modules (a software update or patch) need to be checked to ensure that they work as expected (function testing) and do not have any vulnerabilities inside it (security testing). Security patch testing requires a lot of time and a professional security knowledge from the tester. In recent years, chopped symbolic execution was successfully applied in automatic or semi-automatic program testing to reduce the amount of testing work. Chopped symbolic execution (Chopper) allows users to specify “uninteresting” functions to ignore during analysis, therefore allows testing a module of software without running all functions of the program. Effectiveness of chopped symbolic execution method in patch testing depends on how good the ignored functions are chosen. In this paper, we proposed a novel method to automatically exclude functions for chopped symbolic execution in patch testing using control flow graph. Moreover, we used cyclomatic complexity to optimize the speed of testing process. Experimental result shows that our method can choose the ignored func-tions automatically with the testing time less than the Chopper in most cases.


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How to Cite

Phan, N. T., & Hùng, N. V. (2023). Automatic functions exclusion in patch testing using chopped symbolic execution. Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 2(16), 24-30.


