On some issues affecting the security of RSA and ECDSA digital signature schemes


  • Trieu Quang Phong Institute of Cryptography Science and Technology
  • Do Dai Chi
  • Tran Duc Huy
  • Nguyen Ngoc Diep




multi-target attack, digital signature scheme, RSA, ECDSA, recalculation problem

Tóm tắt

Abstract—In this paper, we will consider 02 problems with traditional digital signature schemes. The first problem will be related to multi-target attacks, which are often considered on the family of hash-based digital signature schemes such as XMSS, HORST, and FORST that are proposed as candidates for post-quantum cryptography. The article will show the influence of this type of attack on the popularly used digital signature schemes such as RSA, and ECDSA, and then analyze and evaluate some prevention solutions. The remaining issue that is concerned in this paper will be related to the requirement of recalculation in digital signature schemes based on a discrete logarithmic problem such as ECDSA. There, we will suggest some checks and iterations of the computation in the signing algorithm to avoid trivially leaking information related to the signing key.


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How to Cite

Phong, T. Q., Chi, D. D., Huy , T. D., & Diep, N. N. (2023). On some issues affecting the security of RSA and ECDSA digital signature schemes . Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 1(18), 38-46. https://doi.org/10.54654/isj.v1i18.884


