The Effect of Using Weak Random Source on the State Synchronization of the Signal Protocol


  • Trieu Quang Phong
  • Pham Duc Hung
  • Ngo Phuong Tuan



signal protocol, DR Algorithm, message key, chain key, DHRatchet public key

Tóm tắt

Abstract— Signal is an end-to-end security protocol used in instant messaging applications such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Zalo, etc. One of the outstanding features of the Signal protocol is its support for establishing end-to-end secure channels and conducting communications asynchronously, i.e., the sender can send messages securely even if the receiver is offline. This property is provided by maintaining synchronized states on each side. In our article, we will analyze the risk of desynchronizing states between parties in the Signal protocol if at least one of those parties in this protocol uses a weak random source.


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How to Cite

Phong, T. Q., Hùng, P. Đức, & Tuấn, N. P. (2024). The Effect of Using Weak Random Source on the State Synchronization of the Signal Protocol . Journal of Science and Technology on Information Security, 1(21), 40-47.


